Carers - Your journey, your support

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Closes 12 Dec 2024

Your support

This page will ask you about your role as a carer or your experience as a carer.  

By Carer we mean someone who provides care for someone who is ill, disabled, older, has mental health concerns or is experienceing addiction, and is not paid to provide the support by a local authority or company. 

You may be caring for someone now, or you may have cared for someone in the past.  Or you may care for someone in the future.    


1. Do you look after, or give any regular help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of either long term physical/mental ill health or disability or experiencing addiction or problems related to old age?

If yes, how many hours each week approximately do you provide?

2. As a carer do you access any support from any groups or organisations to help you in your role as a carer?
3. Are you aware of the following support services for carers?
4. Do you access support from any of the following?
5. Do you feel the above support would or does support your health and wellbeing as an unpaid carer?
6. How would you say your health and wellbeing is today?
7. Do you face an challenges accessing support to maintain your health and wellbeing?