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10 results

  • IJB Equality Outcomes

    The Equality and Human Rights legislation captures the Scottish Government’s commitment to take action to further Scotland’s position as a global leader in equality and human rights. The work will frame and clearly articulate the approach and provides the foundation to ensure mainstreaming of equality and human rights are a core Government and wider public sector function and responsibility. This survey is to enable the local Integration Joint Board to demonstrate their equality... More
    Closed 7 March 2025
  • Carers - Your journey, your support

    As an unpaid carer to a relative or friend, your caring journey is unique to you. We have developed a Carers Support Pack that details lots of organisations and groups that can support you as an unpaid carer. The Carers Support Pack can be found here . We want to learn more about the type of support that you would value in your caring role. To help us improve support for unpaid carers, we would really appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete this simple survey. ... More
    Closed 12 December 2024
  • Transition from Children's Services to Adult Health and Social Care Services

    Young people with additional support needs hope for the same things as other young people; to be independent, to have a voice and a social life. It is important that the transition from one service to another is as seamless as possible. This can help ensure the young people of Clackmannanshire and Stirling have positive experiences and independence as they reach a new stage in their lives. We would really like to hear your views on your experience, whether you are a young person that... More
    Closed 10 November 2024
  • Palliative and end of life care consultation Stage 2

    Palliative and end-of-life care encompasses the care and support provided to someone following diagnosis of a life-threatening illness and a person can be cared for palliatively for many years (World Health Organisation). This care includes health, social, and spiritual care for the person, their loved ones, and their carers. We held in-person events and an online survey throughout April and May to gather people’s experiences and thoughts on community palliative and end-of-life care... More
    Closed 22 September 2024
  • Independent advocacy in Forth Valley

    Independent advocacy aims to help people by supporting them to express their own needs and make their own informed decisions. Independent advocates support people to gain access to information and explore and understand their options. They speak on behalf of people who are unable to speak for themselves, or choose not to do so. They safeguard people who are vulnerable or discriminated against or whom services find difficult to support. We want to learn about your experiences... More
    Closed 5 August 2024
  • Palliative and End Of Life Care in Clackmannanshire and Stirling

    Palliative and end of life care helps improve the quality of life for someone who has a life-limiting illness, by offering services, advice, information, referrals and support. While this can be a challenging time, there are important conversations involved. We need views from both personal and professional perspectives to help us develop our strategic thinking around community palliative and end of life care services. Who is the consultation for? ... More
    Closed 19 May 2024
  • Transition from Children's Services to Adult Health and Social Care Services

    Young people with additional support needs hope for the same things as other young people; to be independent, to have a voice and a social life. It is important that the transition from one service to another is as seamless as possible. This can help ensure the young people of Clackmannanshire and Stirling have positive experiences and independence as they reach a new stage in their lives. We would really like to hear your views on your experience, whether you are a young person that... More
    Closed 31 December 2023
  • Carer Support Framework Consultation

    Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership seek your views on the revised eligibility criteria for carers, now named Carer Support Framework. This revised version has been developed with key partners including carers with this wider distribution signifying stage 2 of the consultation process. It encompasses a strengthened partnership working approach around outcome focused assessments and the delivery of carers support. Once you have answered the questions... More
    Closed 1 August 2023
  • Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership Draft Strategic Plan

    We are inviting people to give us feedback on the draft Strategic Plan for Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership. Throughout 2022, we have asked people to give us their views on health and social care in Clackmannanshire & Stirling, identify our priorities and challenges and how we should deliver services over the ten years of the Strategic Plan. These conversations have helped shape the draft plan and we are now asking for feedback on the draft. A copy... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Introduction

    Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership (CSHSCP) are keen to learn from citizens living across Clackmannanshire and Stirling how they wish to see Adult Services delivered in communities. More
    Closed 14 November 2022
10 results. Page 1 of 1