Right Care, Right Time proposal

Closed 1 Mar 2024

Opened 22 Jan 2024


The Right Care Right Time Programme builds upon the recommendations of the David Welsh report from his Review of Adult Assessment & Review Processes in 2021 as well as other good practice identified in the period since.

The Right Care Right Time Programme aims to: 

  • improve service user experience by creating more efficient processes that reduce reliance on pending lists;

  • reduce the costs of care, where possible, by providing the right care at the right time with regular reviews and signposting for outcomes; and

  • support workforce wellbeing through the development of clear, efficient and easy to use processes.



Why your views matter

This survey is completely confidential and anonymous. 

This survey is a chance to give your thoughts on the programme and the proposals.  


  • Social Care Worker


  • Strategic Commissioning Plan